Hand-Eye Supply x Bridgetown Forge Nata Hatchet
Posted on 03 October 2013

Behold, the mighty Bridgetown Forge x Hand-Eye Supply Hand-Forged Nata Hatchet! Each Nata is crafted in Portland, OR by the
experienced hands of blacksmith Arnon Kartmazov, with the assistance of Nitzan Lilie. Bridgetown Forge is run by Arnon, whose decade+
of apprenticeship in Japan makes him an ideal person to craft this Japanese style hatchet. Beyond his experience in Japan, Arnon studied
with master blacksmith Uri Hofi in Israel, world renowned for his forging ability. Arnon's Japanese-style knives are sought after by chefs, and
coveted by the rest of us.
experienced hands of blacksmith Arnon Kartmazov, with the assistance of Nitzan Lilie. Bridgetown Forge is run by Arnon, whose decade+
of apprenticeship in Japan makes him an ideal person to craft this Japanese style hatchet. Beyond his experience in Japan, Arnon studied
with master blacksmith Uri Hofi in Israel, world renowned for his forging ability. Arnon's Japanese-style knives are sought after by chefs, and
coveted by the rest of us.