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Indiegogo Excitements and Amusements

Posted on 06 June 2016

After sharing the Podride on the blog and seeing that designer Mikael Kjellman more than reached his goal, I've found a rejuvenated fascination with Indiegogo. Within it's HTML pages, it holds a lot of bizarre and brilliant stuff. A trip there is usually good for a few laughs and often ends with me wishing I had some more dough to drop to get some donor prizes. But alas, I'm mostly just an Indiegogo tourist.

Here are a few projects on Indiegogo worth your time. Some are closed, some are almost to goal, and all of them have at least one laughable moment. In the end, though, I'm left thinking, "I might use that. Maybe." Okay, I wouldn't get the SwapOut Hoodie, but anyway, have a look...

mini Plaster Hand / for haters of tripods - I certainly dig the size of this product, but I'm not sure I'd actually put it to use very often. It stills requires some set up, and it's playing to photographer's with a shaky hand. But it's funded, so what do I know. 

Glowpear Mini / for slightly lazy plant lovers - There are only a few days left to contribute to the plant holder that waters your produce for you. 

Johnny Cool / for eco-conscious party people - This is a super-cooler. But I'm not sure the marketing is just right. Their appeal PBR-pounding music festival goers might be misplaced, but I can't deny the product holds potential. 

WOOLLIP Travel Pillow / for long-time SkyMall admirers - This project's funded and it seems practical - just another travel pillow. But watch it for the flight attendant. And the sweet, sweet acting. 

SwapOut Hoodies / for when the weather is one-sided - Like it was pulled out the 90s, like a commercial you'd see during Nick at Nite, here's something that's not well-funded and worth consideration.

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